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Adult Ed Zoom Lecture: Tour of Jewish Greece

Sunday, December 17, 2023 5 Tevet 5784

1:00 PM - 2:00 PMZoom

Sunday December 17, 1:00 pm
"A Tour of Jewish Greece," on ZOOM

Evan Kapros, who was born in Greece, moved to Ireland and now lives in Barcelona, will conduct a "Tour of Jewish Greece," including the history of Greek Jewry, a unique combination of Sephardic, Ashkenazi and Romaniote communities with roots in Spain, the Balkans and going back all the way to the Roman Empire. He will explain this rich history and will talk about the social perceptions prevalent in contimporary Greek Society concering Jewish identities, icnluyding the language, food and music of the community.

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Thu, January 2 2025 2 Tevet 5785