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Adult Ed Virtual Program: "Psalms" with Rabbis Jack Riemer & Elie Spitz

Thursday, November 7, 2024 6 Cheshvan 5785

8:30 PM - 9:30 PMZoom

Join The Emanuel Synagogue Adult Education Committee for a virtual program with Rabbis Jack Riemer & Elie Spitz. They will discuss their book "Duet on Psalms: Drawing New Meaning from Ancient Worlds."

From lamentation to celebration, the Psalms speak to us from generation to generation. Rabbis Elie Spitz and Jack Riemer take us into a deeper exploration of the Psalms, going beyond the surface meaning of the words with new, thoughtful interpretations, taking a fresh look at these ancient texts and the relevance they can hold for us today. 

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Meeting ID: 893 7528 6434/ Passcode: 011293

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