Adult Ed Virtual Program: Haredi Jews
Thursday, November 17, 2022 • 23 Cheshvan 5783
8:30 PM - 9:30 PMzoomGuest speaker is Prof. Nathaniel Deutsch, professor of history at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Prof. Deutsch is a national Jewish book award winner.
Haredi Jews are by far the fastest growing segment of the global Jewish community, and they already constitute around 25% of the British Jewish population, as well as 12% and 17% of the American and Israeli Jewish populations, respectively. As their communities continue to grow, Haredi attitudes towards religion and politics will dramatically transform the global Jewish landscape—and impact the wider societies in which Jews live—in ways that are only now beginning to come into focus.
The virtual program is free of charge, but donations to the Adult Education Fund are always appreciated. CLICK HERE to make a donation.
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